On Wednesday, Jeromy took Ethan with him to St. George while he interviews in St. George and Provo. WOW, it is crazy just having one child to take care of. I keep thinking that Ethan’s asleep and he will be waking up any min. to run down stairs and give me a big hug. I have to keep his bedroom closed because it’s too weird not having him run around the house yelling and playing with everything he’s not allowed to touch. Even Bowen, is acting a little different with out his big brother here to pick on him. I stopped to think about it, and this is the first time I have been without Ethan for more the 6 hours since he was 9 months old. I sure miss my crazy boy. Jeromy has had a lot of luck interviewing in St. George, he even had the head of human resource for IHC call him wanting to take him around to meet some of the doctors. I think chances are good that we may end up in St. George. I’m happy as long as were back in Utah. The crazy’s here in Portland are just really getting to me; the more I think about starting Ethan school here I get a little nervous, granted all of the schools are rated higher then any in Utah, but it’s just different. For example, Ethan jumped off our table and hurt his foot a week ago (he’s still limping) it was non-weight bearing for over 8 hours so we took him to the ER here in Portland. There were at least 5 kid by their selves in the ER waiting room while their parents we having a smoke break, or gone. I was in the waiting room for over an hour and I never saw one of the kid’s parents, instead the hospital sent out an employee to watch the kids and to bring out coloring pages for the kids. Also, the local park here there are always young kids by themselves playing with no parents in site. Maybe I’m a little over protective but, it just breaks my heart seeing the way children are treated here in SE Portland. I could go on and on about the smoking and kids NEVER being in car seats, but enough blabbing right! I just want to raise my children inUtah!!