I had to tell someone what happened to us Saturday night at 3:00am. I hear Ethan crying (he now has croup, yea 3 more days of fun sickness) so I go in his room and lay down with him and rub his back for a few minutes so he would fall back asleep. I start to fall asleep in Ethan’s room but was woke up to someone yelling out side. I jump up and go into Jeromy and mine room, which the window faces the front of our house and open the window and I hear, “Get your hands up, step away from the vehicle, drop the gun”. What drop the GUN!!! Less then a block away from our home across the street a Police officer is yelling into his mega phone. I listen for a few minutes, and then see some of my neighbors run out to the end of the street, so I decided to go have a look as well. I kid you not, at least 10 cop cars with light on were having a fun little stand of with a white BMW full of people, who knows what they were in trouble for, but the situation went on for at lest a few hours. I just LOVE south east Portland, always feel o-so-safe!!! The neighbors inform me that the night before they saw some guy just down the street OD and some other guy was dragging him across the road. If anyone wants to move out here and be my new neighbor there is a town home for sale. Since we have been here there has been several drug busts, with tazings, meth lab house fires, dead bodies, homeless rummaging through recycle bens, Drunk running wheelchair into neighbors Escalade that broke his hip and Jeromy had to help, Cops being filmed down the street, neighbor garage rock band and parties all night long, prison transition housing built less then a block away, now a police stand off. All I can say is 5 months can not get here soon enough…Utah here we come. As crazy as this place is, I still some how do feel safe when it is light outside, and I think in some sick way I will miss being out here in Oregon.